- https://lichess.org
- https://www.chess.com/play
- https://freechess.club/play
- https://www.coolmathgames.com/0-chess
- https://www.playok.com/en/chess
- https://chess.org
- https://chessarena.com
- https://play.chessbase.com/Play
- https://www.sparkchess.com
- https://www.flyordie.com/chess
- https://www.chessfriends.com
- https://www.chesskid.com/play/computer
- https://chessiverse.com
- https://immortal.game
- https://chessio.org
A long list of online chess resources.
- https://www.pychess.org
- https://greenchess.net
- https://www.chess.com/variants
- https://lichess.org/variant
- https://www.chessvariants.com/play
- https://playstrategy.org
- https://www.omnichess.club
- https://www.evochess.com
- https://www.kfchess.com
- https://www.drawbackchess.com
- https://gothicchess.info
- https://musketeerchess.net
- https://dicechess.com
- https://chesstempo.com
- https://blitztactics.com
- https://stepchess.com
- https://chesspuzzle.net
- https://lichess.org/training
- https://listudy.org
- http://chessproblems.org
- https://spicychess.com/train
- https://www.chessfactor.com
- https://www.chessercise.xyz
- https://chesshub.com/puzzles/new
- https://chessneurons.com
- https://www.ozproblems.com/weekly-problems
- https://www.yacpdb.org
- https://12chess.com
- https://chessvariants.training
- https://bughouse.ca
- https://noctie.ai/
guess the opening sequence:
guess the puzzle sequence:
guess the move, the engine hints which piece to move:
guess who is better:
guess the Grandmasters moves:
capture as many pawns as you can:
- https://www.chessgames.com
- https://old.chesstempo.com/game-database.html
- https://www.chess.com/games
- https://2700chess.com/games
- https://www.365chess.com/chess-games.php
- https://database.chessbase.com
- https://www.ficsgames.org
- https://database.nikonoel.fr
- https://lumbrasgigabase.com/
- http://caissabase.co.uk
- https://www.pgnmentor.com/files.html
- https://database.lichess.org
- https://theweekinchess.com/a-year-of-pgn-game-files
- https://metadb.cc
- http://overchess.com
- https://ibca-info.org/ibca-games-database
- https://www.bughouse-db.org
after login:
- the homepage of 2700chess.com has a calendar that lists the top players attending some of the events.
- for events near you check the websites of your country chess federation and of the nearest chess clubs.
- https://lichess.org/blog/community
- https://www.chess.com/blogs
- https://thechessmind.substack.com/archive
- https://saychess.substack.com/archive
- https://chessmood.com/blog
- https://chessentials.com
- https://chess-teacher.com/blog
- https://www.chessable.com/blog
- https://thechessworld.com/latest-posts
- https://nextlevelchess.blog/articles
- https://betterchess.net/blog-chess-improvement
- https://www.thechessdrum.net/blog
- https://www.attackingchess.com
- https://lookintochess.com
PyChess Players:
The House:
TCEC official:
other servers:
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Chess
- https://www.reddit.com/r/ChessBeginners
- https://www.reddit.com/r/ChessPuzzles
- https://www.reddit.com/r/TournamentChess
- https://www.reddit.com/r/ChessVariants
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Chessporn
- https://www.reddit.com/r/immortalChessForum
alternative: - https://lemmyverse.net/communities?query=chess
- https://tcec-chess.com
- http://talkchess.com
- https://www.chess.com/computer-chess-championship
- https://www.chessprogramming.org
- http://computer-chess.org/doku.php?id=computer_chess:wiki:links
- https://www.reddit.com/r/ComputerChess
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Computer_chess
- https://www.computerchess.org.uk/ccrl
- https://tcecbayeselo.chessdom.org
- https://tcec-chess.com/bayeselo.txt
- http://www.cegt.net/rating.htm
- https://www.sp-cc.de/eas-ratinglist.htm
- https://www.hiarcs.net/forums/viewforum.php?f=3
- https://ipmanchess.yolasite.com
- https://www.iccf.com
- https://www.chess-iecc.com
- https://www.redhotpawn.com
- https://gameknot.com
- https://www.schemingmind.com
- https://www.chess-server.net/en/tour/index
- https://www.serverchess.com/worldch.htm
- http://www.ficgs.com/tournaments.html
- https://caissa.com
- http://www.chess-mail.com/index.php?page=elo_c
- https://mindsports.nl/index.php/players-section
- https://brainking.com/en/WaitingGames
- https://www.chessgames.com/perl/collections?search=Correspondence
- http://www.chessworld.net/chessclubs/EmailChess_Introduction.asp
- https://lichess.org/study/topic/Visualization/popular
- https://dontmoveuntilyousee.it/blindfold-trainer
- https://www.verbalchess.fun
- https://chessinsights.org/blindfold
- https://www.blindfold-chess-puzzles.com
- https://github.com/mrdimosthenis/BlindfoldChessTraining
- http://www.noirchess.com/blindfoldtrainer
- https://listudy.org/en/blind-tactics
- on Lichess you can toggle blindfold mode in games or puzzles via the board menu hamburger or the shift-B shortcut; try also the "speech" sound and to set "input moves with your voice" in your account preferences.
- the braille chess associations have tools that you can use.
- https://lichess.org/opening/tree
- https://chessme.io/library
- https://simplifychess.com/homepage/openings.html
- https://chessopenings.co.uk
- https://chessbook.com
- https://www.chesspositiontrainer.com
- https://youropeningstats.onrender.com
- https://openingtrainer.com
- http://www.chesspersonality.com
- https://www.treevis.org
- https://chessstamps.app
ECO Codes:
- https://syzygy-tables.info
- https://chess-endgame-trainer.web.app
- https://www.k4it.de/index.php?topic=egtb&lang=en
- https://www.arves.org/arves/index.php/en/endgamestudies
- https://chessmood.com/quiz/endgames-you-must-know
- https://www.simplifychess.com/homepage/endgames.html
- https://endgametrainer.com
- https://lichess.org/study/search?q=endgame
- https://www.chess.com/endgames
how to use tablebases:
chess principles:
- http://billwall.phpwebhosting.com/articles/principles.htm
- https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/70nf74/200_principles_every_chess_player_should_know
- https://thechessworld.com/tag/chess-principles
chess tactics:
- https://chessfox.com/chess-tactics-list
- https://thechessworld.com/articles/general-information/25-chess-tactics-all-players-must-know
checkmate patterns:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shane's_Chess_Information_Database
- https://scid.sourceforge.net
- https://scidvspc.sourceforge.net
- http://rebel13.nl/home/scid-with-knowledge-base.html
chess cloud database:
chess database and PGN viewer:
XBoard / WinBoard:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XBoard
- https://www.chessprogramming.org/WinBoard
- https://www.gnu.org/software/xboard
- http://hgm.nubati.net
discussions: - http://www.open-aurec.com/wbforum
Arena chess GUI:
cross-platform chess GUI:
other graphical user interfaces:
- https://disservin.github.io/stockfish-docs/stockfish-wiki/Download-and-usage.html#download-a-chess-gui
- https://fairy-stockfish.github.io/gui
- https://www.freechess.org/interfaces.html
next move calculators:
online analysis board:
live chess analysis of relevant games:
chess analysis (1 game per day is free):
WintrCat's Game Report
chess analysis app:
AI models' chess evaluations:
personal chess coach:
digital chess coach (some features are free):
chess improvement app:
cloud platform for chess training:
analytics for chess players:
Elocator: Chess Complexity Calculator
Bernd's Random-FEN-Generator
Chess960 initial position generators:
defensive chess puzzles:
offline puzzles:
offline training:
offline variants:
animated GIF from PGN, puzzle editor, etc.:
convert GIF to WebM:
create GIF, MP4, WebM:
extract FEN from images, with analysis board links:
scan chess positions from websites, books, images and videos:
paste your game for quick sharing:
find cheaters in your chess.com games:
other tools, apps, software and chess related projects:
- https://github.com/search?o=desc&q=chess&s=stars
- https://apps.apple.com/genre/ios-games-board/id7004?letter=Chess
- https://play.google.com/store/search?q=chess&c=apps
- https://www.wfcc.ch/software
- https://caissa.com/tools
- https://www.shredderchess.com/download.html
- https://www.playmagnus.com/en/play
- https://www.chessity.com
- https://chesskingtraining.com/ct-art
- http://www.wmlsoftware.com
- https://pawnalyze.com
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Chess_software
- https://tornelo.com/services
- https://swisssystem.org
- https://www.vegachess.com/ns/features
- https://swiss-manager.at
- https://chess.swips.eu
- https://www.chessmanager.com
- https://www.swisssys.com
- https://www.schaakbond.nl/swissmaster
- https://jbfsoftware.com/wordpress/sevilla-features
- https://challonge.com
- https://chessnut.club
- https://swissonlinetournament.com
- http://vincze.euweb.cz/vinczeswiss_eng.htm
- https://swiss-chess.informer.com
Building Chess Habits by Chessbrah
Chess Fundamentals by John Bartholomew
Beginner to Chess Master by ChessNetwork
Hanging Pawns by Stjepan Tomic
Chess Classics by PowerPlayChess
The Amateur's Mind by ChessCoach Andras
Chess Improvement by ChessDojo
Secrets of Chess Tactics by Kingscrusher
Jan's Opening Clinic by Jan Gustafsson
Chess Masterclass by GM Talks
Gambit Chess Openings by Remote Chess Academy
Endgame Course by Chess Vibes
Guide to Adult Improvement in Chess by Adult Chess Improver
Lessons by Anna Cramling
Silicon Road by Matthew Sadler
The Life and Chess of Series (2014-present) by Lucas Anderson
Chessable free courses:
Saint Louis Chess Club lectures:
- https://www.newinchess.com/magazine
- https://chess.co.uk/collections/chess-magazine
- https://britishchessmagazine.co.uk
- https://acmchess.com
- https://new.uschess.org/chess-life-digital-archives
- https://www.modern-chess.com/modern-chess-magazine
- https://cbm.chessbase.com
- https://sahovski.com/Informants-c25038039
- https://britishchessnews.com/book-reviews
- https://theweekinchess.com/john-watson-reviews
- http://ontheroadtochessmaster.com/category/product-reviews
- https://chessentials.com/category/chess-articles/chess-books
- https://chesscafe.com/book-reviews
- https://chessbookreviews.wordpress.com
- https://www.kingpinchess.net/category/reviews
users reviews, databases and book sharing:
- https://www.anobii.com/search/chess/books
- https://www.librarything.com/tag/chess
- https://www.goodreads.com/shelf/show/chess
- https://www.scribd.com/search?query=chess
- https://openlibrary.org/search?q=chess&language=eng&subject_facet=Chess&has_fulltext=true
Internet Archive:
used books:
- https://www.abebooks.com/collections/search/kn/chess
- https://www.alibris.com/search/books/subject/Chess/used
- https://www.biblio.com/bookstores/chess/737
- https://www.ebay.com/b/chess-books/bn_7024838806
collections of games found in chess books:
FIDE books awards announcements:
chess books on Wikipedia and Wikibooks:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_chess_books
- https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Chess
- https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Chess_Opening_Theory
- https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Chess_Strategy
search multiple sources for a book given a 10- or 13-digit ISBN: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources
chess books on Reddit:
Chess Book Collectors
e-books readers:
- https://calibre-ebook.com
- https://everymanchess.com/pages/how-to-read-everyman-ebooks
- http://www.gambitbooks.com/webapp/ChessStudio.html
- https://www.newinchess.com/nic-interactive-ebooks
- https://en.chessbase.com/pages/download
- https://forwardchess.com
- https://mail.eplusbooks.com
- https://learn.chessking.com
- https://ebook.chessvision.ai
- https://mychessapps.com/category/chessbookstudy
recommended books for improvers:
- The Soviet Chess Primer by Ilya Maizelis
- Play Winning Chess by Yasser Seirawan
- Chess Fundamentals by José Capablanca (1921; 2009 in algebraic notation)
- Complete Idiot's Guide to Chess by Patrick Wolff
- Logical Chess: Move by Move by Irving Chernev
- Modern Chess Openings by Nick de Firmian (MCO, 15th Edition)
- Think Like a Grandmaster by Alexander Kotov
- Fundamental Chess Endings by Karsten Müller and Frank Lamprecht
- Secret of Practical Chess by John Nunn
- From Chess Novice to Advanced Player in 7 Days by Mato Jelic
- Chess: 5334 Problems, Combinations and Games by László Polgár
- Attack! The Subtle Art of Winning Brilliantly by Neil McDonald
- Amateur to IM: Proven Ideas and Training Methods by Jonathan Hawkins
- Chess for Zebras by Jonathan Rowson
- How to Beat Your Dad at Chess by Murray Chandler
- The Ultimate Chess Puzzle Book by John Emms
- Chess Openings for Dummies by James Eade
- 100 Endgames You Must Know by Jesús de la Villa
- Simple Checkmates by A. J. Gillam
- Simple Chess: New Algebraic Edition by Michael Stean
- Winning With Chess Psychology by Pal Benko and Burt Hochberg
- 64 Things You Need to Know in Chess by J. N. Walker
- Pandolfini's Ultimate Guide to Chess by Bruce Pandolfini
- Move First, Think Later: Sense and Nonsense in Improving Your Chess by Willy Hendriks
- Judgement and Planning in Chess by Max Euwe
- Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations (6th Edition, 2021)
- The Woodpecker Method by Axel Smith and Hans Tikkanen
- Chess Strategy for Club Players: The Road to Positional Advantage by Herman Grooten
- Practical Chess Exercises: 600 Lessons from Tactics to Strategy by Ray Cheng
- 101 Chess Opening Surprises by Graham Burgess
- Chess Structures: A Grandmaster Guide by Mauricio Flores Rios
- Chess gems: 1,000 combinations you should know by Igor Sukhin, foreword by Vladimir Kramnik
- The Club Player's Modern Guide to Gambits by Nikolai Kalinichenko
- FCO: Fundamental Chess Openings by Paul van der Sterren
- Small Steps 2 Success: Mastering Passed Pawn Play by Sam Shankland
- Chess Classics: Python Strategy by Tigran Petrosian
- Chess Strategy in Action by John Watson
- 300 Most Important Chess Positions by Thomas Engqvist
- How to Defend in Chess by Colin Crouch
- The Complete Chess Swindler: How to Save Points from Lost Positions by David Smerdon
- How to Study Chess on Your Own by Davorin Kuljasevic
- The Chess Toolbox: Practical Techniques Everyone Should Know by Thomas Willemze
- How to build your chess opening repertoire by Steve Giddins
- Improve Your Chess Pattern Recognition / Train Your Chess Pattern Recognition / Chess Pattern Recognition for Beginners by Arthur van de Oudeweetering
- Best Lessons of a Chess Coach: Extended Edition by Sunil Weeramantry and Edward Eusebi
- The Silicon Road to Chess Improvement by Matthew Sadler
- Blindfold Opening Visualization: 100 Chess Puzzles by Martin B. Justesen
- Techniques of Positional Play: 45 Practical Methods to Gain the Upper Hand in Chess by Valeri Bronznik and Anatoli Terekhin
- Jacob Aagaard's Grandmaster Preparation Series
- Artur Yusupov's Complete Chess Training Course
FIDE Laws of Chess taking effect from 1 January 2023
European Chess Union Tournament Regulations
US Chess Federation's Rules of Chess
Handbook of Chess Composition
Rules for the TCEC Season
World Chess Boxing Organisation (WCBO) Rules